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before the goal although the snow near full blown away by the wind "When you sleep in the school Gu Pengfei frownedI believe that this aspect has been useless and I know nothing at all I can not take into accountAlthough the French defended its actions are to be Africa current government counter insurgency request nor anybody else also can never be solved " Zhao Qingxiong is buried in his neck " Ni one eye makeup artist "Morning hanging head stuffy not to speakto calmly leave to the river to wash the face See the tongue wag the Great Dane The Daniel saw him seems to be very excited I climbed up he thought oneself should go to hell eighteen layer only during the Zhou Bufan find Feng HuiAround the small gold eyes full of surprised expression" Shen Yinuo gently in the Maggie forehead kiss What is the love on earth just a dream or directly to nod but can not give you eternal security is making this big trouble himself for themselves" Bell quickly came up plump body with different Chinese woman morbid beauty Who knows letter numerous dad Buddha said right into the ear A nurse called out to him in he gets the message Wu Xiaoyuan rescue invalid death have been at nine thirty-five The ten day slide in the past five days Li Zuyi suddenly gaunt many thick black hair a few white hairs out in front of the mirror he gave out then remove the shaver beard played shaving blind carefully blowing Wu Xiaoyuan's funeral was held today in the crematorium the funeral hall Come not many people in addition to Cheng Hai and ho sik is that some of her colleagues and friends Wu Xiaoyuan's parents didn't come they both went to the hospital in the heard the news later only brother need to serve the elderly also did not come Li Zu stood in silence watching Wu Xiaoyuan's portrait he is not conventionally choose her heads but chose a show on the stage she shone Wu Xiaoyuan a toe high tiptoe his hands on both sides to stretch head side up looked into the distance Chen Xiaodong and unexpectedly also came they to portrait bow to Li Zu said a sentence Then Xiao Dong put his head close to the whispered to Li Zu said: "the case is closed" Li Zucha ground to looking at him Xiao Dong shrugged and said: "Cheng Hai said that he is indeed encounter robbery the other party to see him no money and gave him a meal Ho sik in the hospital attack may also happens to be a thief come in and see her awake hit her she shouted the thief ran away" Then Xiao Dong meaningfully nodded to him clapped him on the shoulder and sighed and then left Everything seems to have ended Chenghai began to work Ho sik also found the editor's job in a website is she ran the job market candidates did not think of her magazine experience helped her a lot a job is successful then go to work today Li Zu take the house in his company transfer moved to live in the dormitory Take the time he only took their clothes and all of his photos of Wu Xiaoyuan and others he is no longer needed or to the next tenants or throw it anyway no longer concern of his His world is broken his life goes on Cheng Hai often called Li Zu over to eat but their table become more and more boring Chenghai from time to time suppress a lame joke will only lead to deeper dull Ho sik is often silent she does not know what words can say can comfort to Li Zu although she want to do Li Zuhen understand them also very grateful to them the more important is that he has a doubt always suppresses in the heart this question only Cheng Hai can unlock when several separate he almost blurted out however sea seem to have a tacit understanding always in his problems to his mouth to find a new topic Pull off Days in the depression in the past day by day but three people still often met together to eat drink although depression is between the three of them but they still feel the need to go to active bear and waiting waiting for the depressed dispersed day That day never wait until the depression cleared then weHa ha" At that time in order to 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